Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Aqua Park! (day 7)

Today was a quiet day. Little M was ‘busy’ as usual! In the morning we played in some puddles outside, and in the afternoon we were stuck inside because of some light rain. The most interesting thing about playtime was the pipe he found. He’s obviously seen people smoking before because he’s a real pro at it. It  could be worse!

In the middle of the day we went to the water park! Pasha’s son Costia (sp?) was with us again so the boys had lots of fun. Clint said the water was freezing and Matt said it was pretty gross…stuff floating in it and they obviously don’t chlorinate pools the way we do, but really fun anyway. I have more pictures but they don't really wear very many clothes here so I think I'll leave them off. Really eye opening! :0

These afternoons away from the baby house, with kids his age, are really good for Matt!

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